Wednesday, May 31, 2023
[PDF] Fidus (1868-1948) A German Artist from Theosophy to Nazism
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Fidus (1868-1948) A German Artist from Theosophy to Nazism
Adolf Hitler & The Mormon Church by Mormon Think
Adolf Hitler & The Mormon Church
From the website: Mormon Culture:
Mormonism in the New Germany
“They are to hold the keys of this ministry, to unlock the door of the Kingdom of heaven unto all nations, and to preach the Gospel to every creature.” -Joseph Smith Jr.
In December of 1933, a newspaper article was written in the Church News section of The Deseret News. The title of the article was “Mormonism in the New Germany.” This article praised the new regime of Adolf Hitler and sought to compare the glory of LDS teachings with the new doctrine of Nazism that was spreading across the German nations. The article's author, Dale Clark, was not the only Mormon to openly praise Hitler and Nazi Germany. Many other Mormon publications, including The Millennial Star, were used to compare and contrast Mormonism with Nazi Germany.
The first correlation of the LDS church with Nazism centered on the dynamic leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler. He was charismatic, strong, dedicated to his beliefs, a great orator, and was widely viewed as a savior figure to the Fatherland. Many Mormons could appreciate the qualities of a figure like Hitler, as these characteristics were the same ones valued in a General Authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Those traits continued to stretch into more concrete beliefs that Latter-Day Saints could identify with, namely the Word of Wisdom.
Dale Clark described Hitler's dedication to principles found in Doctrine and Covenants section 89 in the following manner:
There is another noticeable trend in the “Mormon” direction. It is a very well known fact that Hitler observes a form of living which “Mormons” term the “Word of Wisdom.” He will not take alcohol, does not smoke and is very strict about his diet, insisting on plain and wholesome foods, largely vegetarian.
When compared with verses from section 89 it is easy to understand how Clark came to that conclusion:
5 That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good…
7 And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies.
8 And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man…
10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;
His praise continues; Clark focuses on the product of obeying a Mormon lifestyle. He shows that due to Hitler's clean living he has a superior mind and body that allowed him to rise above the struggles of the great depression in Germany. His dynamic leadership and choosing to live the principles of the Word of Wisdom have set an example for the youth. This insinuates that as a result of obeying a higher law that Hitler has been blessed by God:
“These two colorful leaders (Adolf Hitler & Joseph Goebbels) of the new Germany, in their gigantic struggle for political supremacy have needed capable bodies and clear brains and have trained like athletes. Their very popularity is making intemperance more unpopular. The fact that they are worshiped may be one big reason for a growing dislike for smoking and drinking in Germany today.”
These are not the only comparisons that Clark draws between Mormon doctrine and Nazi culture. Under the direction of Hitler, National Socialism seeks to care for the needs all German citizens, much like the welfare programs of the church. Clark describes one of the new programs implemented by Hitler as an idea that has long been a central component of the LDS religion and thus further proof that Germany is preparing itself for the Gospel:
“Their trump card to show the originality and political genius of the Hitler party was the brilliant method they have under taken to put over the charity drive for this winter. To them it was phenomenal; to the friend, however, it was just another application of the effective method that has been in use in the ‘Mormon' church for decades. The Nazis have introduced ‘Fast Sunday.'”
The German version of Fast Sunday is incredibly similar to that of the LDS Church. The fast is implemented on the first Sunday of the month and asks those that can afford it to forgo two meals in order to collect funds to feed the needy in the country. The idea behind this special fast was to build unity and alleviate the the suffering of those within Germany.
Clark was not the only one to make the comparison to “Fast Sunday.” Several of the LDS missionaries documented the practice in their journals and came to the same conclusion. One such missionary, Sanford Bingham, wrote in his journal in 1936 the following account documenting just one of the many missionaries' first-hand accounts of how Nazi Germany compared to the religion they were trying to preach:
“A number of interesting parallels can be seen between the church and some of the ideas and policies of the National Socialists . . .The similarities between Mormons and Hitler ranged from views of the family, the importance of marriage, the strength of the educational system, the courage of the Mormon pioneers, the sense of the Word of Wisdom, the wisdom of a fast day to help the poor, the value of youth programs and the need to do genealogy.”
The Mormon publication The Millennial Star also printed their comparison of the two programs, showing unique but united Mormon perspectives from around the world on Naziism:
“It is indeed singular that a comparison of the details of the two systems of organized fasting shows them to be so nearly identical. Perhaps that part of the message of the Restored Gospel may have been directly or indirectly the inspiration and the model for the new scheme adopted by the German Government—perhaps not. But evident, at least, is the fact that consciously or unconsciously, the people of the world are discovering that the Lord's way is best. The leaven of the Gospel is spreading.”
The comparisons between the two systems extended beyond the Word of Wisdom. Programs such as the Hitler Youth were directly correlated to the Boy Scouts, a staple of Mormon youth. Womens organizations in the church have their counterparts as well; Young Women's Mutual Improvement and the Relief Society are Bund der Deutschen Madel and Frauenschaft, respectively.
Clark continued in his article to emphasize the similarities with the genealogical program of the church. As the new idea of Aryan bloodlines began to surface in Germany, genealogical work for German families needed to be performed to prove their purity. Genealogy having already been recorded for decades in Mormon households set the Saints apart from their neighbors. The German government now set up genealogical facilities making it easier than ever before to find family records. The German members of the church were also recognized as patriots for their exceptional record-keeping:
Mormonism in the New Germany. Deseret News Dec 9, 1933.
As Hitler came to power, like most dictators, he sought to consolidate that power for himself. Most religions were openly attacked and outlawed, but Mormonism was allowed to thrive. Missionaries continued to share their message with others as other minority sects such as the Jehovah's Witnesses were banned.
While touring the European missions President Heber J. Grant visited the church members in Germany. He recognized the privilege that the Nazis were granting the saints to continue to practice their religion. There were minor exceptions to what could be taught, of course, as rhetoric concerning Zion or the New Jerusalem would not be permitted. President Grant saw an opportunity and instructed the saints to “Stay here. Keep the Commandments. Try to get along the best you can, even under some limitations. We want to keep the Church intact and the missionaries working.”
Traveling LDS Basketball Team gives Germany the Nazi Salute. Deseret News, Jan. 25, 1936.
The Church then went on a campaign to align itself with the Nazi government and draw paralellels between the two ideologies. The Church magazine in Germany, Der Stern, emphasized that the Mormon Senator from Utah, Reed Smoot, was a longtime friend of Germany. Later, another article was written in the official paper of the Nazi party, Volkischer Beobachter, by the mission president of the East German Mission, Alfred C. Rees.
Rees did his best to draw comparisons between the plight of early Mormonism and the struggle of the Nazi party:
“The Mormon people know what persecution and suppression mean. And the German people who have gone through the shadow of the valley since the World War; and who have been forced to rely upon their own strength and determination, and upon their undying belief in their own ability to restore their self-respect and their merited place among the mighty sisterhood of nations, reveal that same progressive character, which does not shun obstacles. For that reason, to a student of Mormonism, recent developments in Germany present a most impressive comparison.”
Looking back on these statements it is hard to imagine that a church of God would align itself with some of the most despicable leaders of the past century. It is a lesson, however, in how the Church should conduct itself in other nations and with other cultures. As the Church continues to grow and expand their missionary efforts in other countries, they must be prepared for unsavory and hostile governments. The Church's past diplomatic strategy has previously been defined by the twelfth Article of Faith: “We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.” By tacitly endorsing rulers like Hitler and the Nazis, it forever tarnishes the image of the Church in places like Germany, where such endorsements are not quickly forgotten.
MT Editor comment: From the adoration that the LDS Church showed Hitler and Nazi Germany in the 1930s, we have to ask where was the power of discernment amongst the prophet and apostles? How could they not have had any clue that this man, that the LDS Church wrote many praising things about, was within a few years of becoming the most evil man in history?
Moroni and the Swastika: Mormons in Nazi Germany
This is a fascinating new book for anyone interested in how the LDS Church dealt with Nazi Germany.
Moroni and the Swastika: Mormons in Nazi Germany by David Conley Nelson Ph.D
Summary: While Adolf Hitler's National Socialist government was persecuting Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses and driving forty-two small German religious sects underground, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints continued to practice unhindered. How some fourteen thousand Mormons not only survived but thrived in Nazi Germany is a story little known, rarely told, and occasionally rewritten within the confines of the Church's history—for good reason, as we see in David Conley Nelson's Moroni and the Swastika. A page-turning historical narrative, this book is the first full account of how Mormons avoided Nazi persecution through skilled collaboration with Hitler's regime, and then eschewed postwar shame by constructing an alternative history of wartime suffering and resistance.
The Twelfth Article of Faith and parts of the 134th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants function as Mormonism's equivalent of the biblical admonition to “render unto Caesar,” a charge to cooperate with civil government, no matter how onerous doing so may be. Resurrecting this often-violated doctrinal edict, ecclesiastical leaders at the time developed a strategy that protected Mormons within Nazi Germany. Furthermore, as Nelson shows, many Mormon officials strove to fit into the Third Reich by exploiting commonalities with the Nazi state. German Mormons emphasized a mutual interest in genealogy and a passion for sports. They sent husbands into the Wehrmacht and sons into the Hitler Youth, and they prayed for a German victory when the war began. They also purged Jewish references from hymnals, lesson plans, and liturgical practices. One American mission president even wrote an article for the official Nazi Party newspaper, extolling parallels between Utah Mormon and German Nazi society. Nelson documents this collaboration, as well as subsequent efforts to suppress it by fashioning a new collective memory of ordinary German Mormons' courage and travails during the war.
Recovering this inconvenient past, Moroni and the Swastika restores a complex and difficult chapter to the history of Nazi Germany and the Mormon Church in the twentieth century—and offers new insight into the construction of historical truth.
MT Comment: I was privileged to receive a copy of this book in advance of its release. I really liked this book and its uniqueness among the hundred or so LDS books I own. After studying Mormonism for decades, there are not many things that pop up that I don't know about in Mormon history but I was pleasantly surprised by reading about how Mormons and the LDS Church struggled and dealt with Nazi Germany during this era. These are stories that should not be forgotten, nor should the views that the LDS Church, led by prophets and apostles had of Nazi Germany and the Jews during this most difficult time. A very thought-provoking and engrossing read.
Bill Johnson
Jehovah's Witnesses Were Hitler's Victims, New York Times
Jehovah's Witnesses Were Hitler's Victims
[PAID ARTICLE] Christian Science in Nazi Germany by William Stillman
Christian Science in Nazi Germany by William Stillman
[PAID DOCUMENTARY] Nazis and Freemasons by Jean Pierre Deviller on Amazon
Nazis and Freemasons
Emmy-award winner Jean-Pierre Devillers investigates the arcane reasoning behind the Nazi priority of looting archives and precious books from the headquarters of the French Masonic Obedience in June 14, 1940. After which, by order of the Kremlin, the KGB stole this aberrant loot, which identifies all French Freemasons and hypothetical abstruse secrets held by freemasons.
More information about this image
When the Nazis came to power, policy towards the Freemasons was equivocal. Efforts to eliminate Freemasons did not receive top priority. Those lodges that espoused tolerance and equality and had international connections or connections through their leaders to the Social Democrats or liberal democrats were subject to persecution and often pressured into “voluntary” dissolution. A few conservative German lodges that were willing to accommodate themselves to the regime were able to continue some form of existence for only a little longer. Nevertheless, the regime intended to exclude those who refused to give up their Masonic connections.
In early 1934, the chief of the Nazi Party Court System ruled that Masons who did not leave their lodges prior to January 30, 1933, could not join the Nazi Party. That same month, Prussian Minister of the Interior Hermann Goering issued a decree calling upon the lodges to “voluntarily” dissolve, but requiring such voluntary actions to be submitted to him for approval. In addition, lodges and their branches in various cities throughout Germany were exposed to arbitrary violence from local SS and SA units, though this terror does not appear to have been centrally directed.
Increasing pressure in the public and professional sectors forced individuals to choose between remaining in their lodges or limiting their career opportunities. Many former lodge members holding positions in the civil service were forced or harassed into retirement. In May 1934, the Ministry of Defense banned membership in lodges to all personnel—soldiers and civilian employees. During the summer of 1934, after Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich completed their takeover and centralization of the Gestapo, View This Term in the Glossary the German police forcibly closed down many Masonic lodges and branch headquarters of the Masons and confiscated their assets, including their libraries and archives.
On October 28, 1934, Reich Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick issued a decree defining the lodges as “hostile to the state” and hence subject to having their assets confiscated. Finally, on August 17, 1935, citing the authority of the Reichstag Fire Decree, Frick ordered all remaining lodges and branches dissolved and their assets confiscated.
Poster [LCID: 20066vl8]
Anti-Masonic poster
Eugenics poster entitled "The relationship between Jews and Freemasons." The text at the top reads: "World politics World revolution." The text at the bottom reads, "Freemasonry is an international organization beholden to Jewry with the political goal of establishing Jewish domination through world-wide revolution." The map, decorated with Masonic symbols (temple, square, and apron), shows where revolutions took place in Europe from the French Revolution in 1789 through the German Revolution in 1919. This poster is no. 64 in a series entitled Erblehre und Rassenkunde (Theory of Inheritance and Racial Hygiene), published by the Verlag fuer nationale Literatur (Publisher for National Literature), Stuttgart, Germany, ca. 1935.
US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Hans Pauli
Nazi propaganda continued to link Jews and Freemasons; Julius Streicher's virulent publication Der Stuermer (The Assault Trooper) repeatedly printed cartoons and articles that attempted to portray a “Jewish-Masonic” conspiracy. Freemasonry also became a particular obsession of the chief of Security Police and SD, Reinhard Heydrich, who counted the Masons, along with the Jews and the political clergy, as the “most implacable enemies of the German race.” In 1935 Heydrich argued for the need to eliminate not only the visible manifestations of these “enemies,” but to root out from every German the “indirect influence of the Jewish spirit”—“a Jewish, liberal, and Masonic infectious residue that remains in the unconscious of many, above all in the academic and intellectual world.”
Heydrich created a special section of the SS Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst; SD), Section II/111, to deal specifically with Freemasonry. The SD was particularly interested, as its personnel believed that Freemasonry exercised actual political power, shaped public opinion through control of the press, and was thus in a position to provoke war, subversion, and revolution. Later, Section VII B 1 of the Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt; RSHA), an amalgamation of the SD and the Security Police formed in 1939, took over the section devoted to investigating Freemasonry.
As Nazi Germany prepared for war in 1937–1938, the regime relaxed pressure on the rank and file of the dissolved lodges. Hitler amnestied members of the rank and file who renounced their former loyalties in April 1938 and efforts were made in the public sector to decide on continued employment of former lodge members on a case to case basis. Many civil servants who had been forced to retire due to their Masonic connections were recalled into service after the war began and the ban on former Masons serving in the Wehrmacht (German armed forces), even at the officer rank, was relaxed. The Nazi Party continued to ban former Masons from membership, though exceptions were made after 1938 in both the Nazi Party and even the SS.
As they conquered Europe, the Germans forcibly dissolved Masonic organizations and confiscated their assets and documents wherever they established an occupation regime. After a lodge was closed, it was ransacked for membership lists, important library and archival items, furnishings, and other cultural artifacts. Items seized would be sent on to the appropriate German agency, primarily the SD and later, the RSHA.
A billboard advertising an anti-Masonic exhibition organized by the anti-Masonic Belgian league, "L'Epuration," in the Masonic Supreme ... [LCID: 90033]
Billboard Advertising an Anti-Masonic Exhibition in Brussels, Belgium
A billboard advertising an anti-Masonic exhibition organized by the anti-Masonic Belgian league, "L'Epuration," in the Masonic Supreme Council building. Brussels. Belgium, 1941.
As part of their propaganda campaign against Freemasonry, the Nazis and other local right-wing organizations mounted anti-Masonic exhibitions throughout occupied Europe. German-occupied Paris hosted an anti-Masonic exhibition in October 1940, as did German-occupied Brussels in February 1941.
Hoover Institution Archives
View Archival DetailsAs part of their propaganda campaign against Freemasonry, the Nazis and other local right-wing organizations mounted anti-Masonic exhibitions throughout occupied Europe. German-occupied Paris hosted an anti-Masonic exhibition in October 1940, as did German-occupied Brussels in February 1941. Displaying Masonic ritual and cultural artifacts stolen from lodges, such exhibitions aimed to ridicule and direct hatred towards Freemasons and to heighten fears of a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy. German wartime propaganda, particularly in the army, charged that the Jews and Masons had provoked World War II and were responsible for the policies of US President Franklin D.Roosevelt, who was identified as a Freemason.
Some of Germany's Axis partners decreed police and discriminatory measures against Masons. In August 1940, the Vichy France regime issued a decree declaring Masons to be enemies of the state and authorizing police surveillance of them. The French wartime authorities even created a card file that identified all members of the Grand Orient of France, a leading French Masonic organization. The card file survived the war and was later microfilmed for the holdings of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives.
In 1942, Alfred Rosenberg was authorized by a Hitler decree to wage an “intellectual war” against the Jews and Freemasons. To that end, Hitler permitted Rosenberg's “Deployment Staff of Reich Leader Rosenberg (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg; ERR) to seize and evaluate Masonic archives and libraries to best equip them to carry on the “methodical intellectual fight” that was “necessary to win the war.” The members of ERR were guaranteed the support of the High Command of the German Armed Forces (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht; OKW) in fulfilling their mission.
After the end of World War II, vast collections of Masonic archives and library collections that had been seized by German authorities were captured, in turn, by Allied and Soviet forces. For example, a significant Masonic archive was found in Silesia, in eastern Germany, by Soviet troops in the last days of World War II. The Soviet authorities shipped the records to Moscow, where they were held in secret archives. Other Masonic-related materials were recovered in Poland. Some of this material has been microfilmed and stored in the archive of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Since the end of the Cold War, many Masonic-related collections have been returned to their countries of origin, while others continue to be held in foreign repositories.
Because many of the Freemasons who were arrested were also Jews and/or members of the political opposition, it is not known how many individuals were placed in Nazi concentration camps and/or were targeted only because they were Freemasons. Some former lodge members, as individuals, participated in or were associated with German resistance circles. Some were arrested and murdered during World War II.
Last Edited: Oct 27, 2005
Author(s): United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC
[PDF] The Faithful Do Not Yield: Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nazi Camps by Sabrina C. H. Chang and Peter Suedfeld, University of British Columbia
PDF Available Here:
The Faithful Do Not Yield: Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nazi Camps by Sabrina C. H. Chang and Peter Suedfeld, University of British Columbia
Alfred Rosenberg (Nazi Positive Christianity) was anti-trinitarian: [PDF] The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919–1945 by Richard Steigmann-Gall
The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919–1945 by Richard Steigmann-Gall
PDF Available Here:
"Rosenberg was also opposed to the Trinity, which he believed overlooked the spirituality of racial nationalism and lead to the "nihilism" implicit in the biblical expression of Paul: "Here is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, neither man nor woman." (Steigmann-Gall, 1999, pg. 114)
SOURCE: Steigmann-Gall, The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919–1945, 1999. Retrieved 05/31/23 from:
[RECOMMENDED READING] Moroni and the Swastika: Mormons in Nazi Germany by David Conley Nelson
Moroni and the Swastika: Mormons in Nazi Germany by David Conley Nelson
While Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist government was persecuting Jews and Jehovah’s Witnesses and driving forty-two small German religious sects underground, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints continued to practice unhindered. How some fourteen thousand Mormons not only survived but thrived in Nazi Germany is a story little known, rarely told, and occasionally rewritten within the confines of the Church’s history—for good reason, as we see in David Conley Nelson’s Moroni and the Swastika. A page-turning historical narrative, this book is the first full account of how Mormons avoided Nazi persecution through skilled collaboration with Hitler’s regime, and then eschewed postwar shame by constructing an alternative history of wartime suffering and resistance.
The Twelfth Article of Faith and parts of the 134th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants function as Mormonism’s equivalent of the biblical admonition to “render unto Caesar,” a charge to cooperate with civil government, no matter how onerous doing so may be. Resurrecting this often-violated doctrinal edict, ecclesiastical leaders at the time developed a strategy that protected Mormons within Nazi Germany. Furthermore, as Nelson shows, many Mormon officials strove to fit into the Third Reich by exploiting commonalities with the Nazi state. German Mormons emphasized a mutual interest in genealogy and a passion for sports. They sent husbands into the Wehrmacht and sons into the Hitler Youth, and they prayed for a German victory when the war began. They also purged Jewish references from hymnals, lesson plans, and liturgical practices. One American mission president even wrote an article for the official Nazi Party newspaper, extolling parallels between Utah Mormon and German Nazi society. Nelson documents this collaboration, as well as subsequent efforts to suppress it by fashioning a new collective memory of ordinary German Mormons’ courage and travails during the war.
Recovering this inconvenient past, Moroni and the Swastika restores a complex and difficult chapter to the history of Nazi Germany and the Mormon Church in the twentieth century—and offers new insight into the construction of historical truth.
Newspaper Comment on Nazi Edict Against Christian Science
Newspaper Comment on Nazi Edict Against Christian Science
"To live and let live, without clamor for distinction or recognition; to wait on divine Love; to write truth first on the tablet of one's own heart,—this is the sanity and perfection of living, and my human ideal." The words are from a Message to The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy.
Can anyone, reading them, fail to understand why the church which Mrs. Eddy founded has been banned from the Reich by the personal order of Adolf Hitler?
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There may have been contributing reasons. ... But back of it all there lies the age-old conflict—the conflict between those who are gentle and humble, in the image of the Nazarene, and those who seek to dominate and rule. ...
It is not only in Germany that this war is going on, this war between the gentle, kindly, God-fearing people and their would-be masters. The battle of Germany has received the most attention, as is natural, because the German Reichsführer has shown himself the ablest and the most dangerous of all the new Caesars.
But does anyone imagine that Stalin, in his preinvasion arrogance, would have been friendlier than Hitler to the Christian Science church—or any other? Does anyone suppose that a nonconforming Pastor Niemöller would lead a healthy life in Japan? Does anyone believe for a moment that Mussolini, in his heart, relishes the devotion of his people to their church and their God?
Of course not. Every ambitious dictator everywhere on earth, every tyrant who conceives that he has a duty to rule, recoils instinctively from the rustling of freedom.
For the small people who worship God according to their conscience, who read and listen and reason, who "live and let live, without clamor for distinction or recognition," they will never submit to perpetual slavery. They are the implacable enemies of the dictators, the eternal warriors in the war which never ends.—Omaha (Nebraska) World-Herald.
Hitler has just banned Christian Science in Germany. Its devotees were perhaps too broad in spirit, too cultured and tolerant to fit in the Führer's New Odor, as a brother columnist has so aptly called it. The Christian Scientists may congratulate themselves upon this ban—which no doubt extends to their fine newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor. Banned by the Nazis, they are in the world's most select and heroic company.—Montreal Standard.
Knowing Herr Hitler's twisted mentality, it is easy to understand his case against Christian Science. This gentle faith makes a vivid appeal to the imagination of its followers, whether from the special force of eternal truth which its disciples claim for it or because it is a new, arresting, and militant assertion of man's relationship to God and God's universe, and into it goes the crusading fervor associated with all young and challenging dogmas. Therefore, where this particular faith conflicts, as all religious faiths must, with a conception of all-wise and all-powerful nationalism, we might expect the sparks of controversy to be particularly incandescent. ... But it is important to remember that the clash between all religions and the totalitarian philosophy is fundamental and inevitable. ...
There is no offense in Christian Science except wherein its call away from worldliness interferes with the very realistic policies of a dictator. But that is the call of all faiths. And the Christian ideal of forbearance, forgiveness, and humility which is the golden foundation of all western religions—except State religions—has been the object in "Mein Kampf" of its fantastic author's bitterest scorn. ...
Hitler has destroyed Judaism in Germany and renounced such articles of religious faith as Jew and Christian have in common. Outspoken shepherds of Catholic and Protestant folks have been meted out the punishment Parson Niemöller suffers. Now Der Führer moves against Christian Scientists just as when he has the leisure and what he regards as sufficient provocation he will move against all churches, destroying them, even as he has found it convenient to destroy nations, one by one.—Waterbury (Connecticut) Republican.
The announcement by The Christian Science Monitor that the Nazis have descended on the Christian Science churches in Berlin, closed all of them in Germany, seized the property, and compelled the leaders to sign a decree dissolving the organization, is another grim bit of evidence for Anglophobes and Naziphiles to explain away.
This latest development has a double significance. First, it indicates that the Nazis are as antagonistic to the small sects as to the large. ... The sin, in their eyes, is that even such a relatively small group as the Christian Scientists should not have a primary, overriding loyalty to the state—which is to say to the embodiment of the state, Herr Hitler. This phase of the war is directed against Christianity, regardless of the various forms which its expression may take.
This peremptory suppression of a minority denomination of worthy, respected, law-abiding, God-fearing people is also evidence that the persecution of religion still continues.—Boston Herald.
This week in Germany an official order went out that the Christian Science religion and its practice were forbidden henceforth. The order was issued for "the protection of the people." That is going to be the fate of all churches if Hitler wins, for his order can brook no interference from the church. ...
The Christian Science faith is based on the general principle of Mind over matter—that a clean Christian conscience can triumph over all ills, mental, moral, and physical. Its adherents use the Bible in a scientific manner, reading it together with the interpretations of Mary Baker Eddy. It is a faith which calls for the highest type of intellect. Believers are taught to do their own thinking, not only on religious matters but all earthly matters as well.
It is obvious why such a faith is contrary to the Hitler scheme of things. In a totalitarian state, the Führer must be all-powerful and to be that he must have a subservient people, vassals in mind as well as in body. Faithful adherents to the Christian Science faith could never fall into this pattern. Therefore, the religion must go as must all other worth-while things in Germany.
But if the Nazis think that by decreeding such things out of existence, they vanish in thin air, they will one day find out how sadly mistaken they have been. Behind closed blinds when the air raid sirens blow, men and women will take out of some secret niche their Science and Health and their Holy Bible. They will find comfort in reading the Tenets of their faith. The more they are warned to drop them, the more they will hold to them as their one last hope for a better life to come.
Then, the day will come, sooner than many of them dare to hope, when Germany will be free again, and men and women can raise up their heads without fear.—Anderson (Indiana) Herald.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Theosophy denies the trinity
According to Blavatsky, Jesus was the grand "philosopher and moral reformer."[21] She considered Jesus as "The Great Teacher," an avatar with healing and demon-exorcising abilities. An American author Joseph H. Tyson stated, "She did not view him as The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, but a Brahman Perfect Master" with clairvoyance, supernatural powers, and "fakir-like unconcern for the morrow."[22] In Blavatsky's opinion, "Jesus, the Christ-God, is a myth concocted two centuries after the real Hebrew Jesus died."[23] According to Theosophy, term "Christ" means the personal divinity "indwelling" each individual human.[24]
In December 1887 Blavatsky printed an open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Primate of England. This editorial letter gave proof to show that "in almost every point the doctrines of the churches and the practices of Christians are in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus."[25] She always opposed those who understood Jesus' teaching literally.[26][note 6] Her representation of Jesus as similar of Buddha "grated on Christian nerves."[28][note 7]
Hitler and the Trinity - Table of Contents
Anti-trinitarianism in Nazi Germany in regards to the anti-trinitarian movements of Positive Christianity, Freemasonry, Theosophy and the Fr...
Anti-trinitarianism in Nazi Germany in regards to the anti-trinitarian movements of Positive Christianity, Freemasonry, Theosophy and the Fr...
Table of Contents PLEASE SUPPORT ME Alfred Rosenberg (Nazi Positive Christianity) was anti-t...
Table of Contents PLEASE SUPPORT ME